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被浏览: 0次 2023年06月10日 10:05

The American higher education funds main origin (includes federationto government's investment, state and local authority), themiscellaneous school fees, the donation income, the sale and theservice income, personal grant with the stipend and the contract fundand so on. 1995-1996 year US college obtains the funds total amount is197.973 billion US dollars, government invests the proportion whichoccupies to be biggest, is 38%, the miscellaneous school fees 27.9%,the sale and the service income 21.7%, personal grant, stipend andcontract provision 6.0%, donation income 2.3%, other 4.0%. The schooladministration system, the school pattern and the operation mechanismrestriction, public and the privately established college funds originhas is very greatly different. 1996-1997 year privately establishedcollege various funds origin channel occupies the proportion is: Themiscellaneous school fees proportion is highest, is 43.0%, thegovernment invests 16.4%, the sale and the service income 21.0%,personal grants with the stipend and the contract fund 9.1%, donationincome 5.2%. Thus it can be seen the public college originates takegovernment's investment as the main funds, the privately establishedcollege then mainly depends upon the school expense movement.

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The American higher education funds main origin (includes federationto government's investment, state and local authority), themiscellaneous school fees, the donation income, the sale and theservice income, personal grant with the stipend and the contract fundand so on. 1995-1996 year US college obtains the funds total amount is197.973 billion US dollars, government invests the proportion whichoccupies to be biggest, is 38%, the miscellaneous school fees 27.9%,the sale and the service income 21.7%, personal grant, stipend andcontract provision 6.0%, donation income 2.3%, other 4.0%. The schooladministration system, the school pattern and the operation mechanismrestriction, public and the privately established college funds originhas is very greatly different. 1996-1997 year privately establishedcollege various funds origin channel occupies the proportion is: Themiscellaneous school fees proportion is highest, is 43.0%, thegovernment invests 16.4%, the sale and the service income 21.0%,personal grants with the stipend and the contract fund 9.1%, donationincome 5.2%. Thus it can be seen the public college originates takegovernment's investment as the main funds, the privately establishedcollege then mainly depends upon the school expense movement.

