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被浏览: 0次 2023年10月25日 03:57

一次 交验合格率: Qualified Rate at the First Check
台账CVS account
工装全称是“工艺装备”: technological equipment
计世饥量所Equipments & Instruments Institute
国际标准化组织(ISO)International Organization for Standardization
国际质量体系的认证 Certificate of international quality management system
出入境检验检疫局Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau

Main Responsibilities:
1, File edition of Material, Secondary Material(或Auxiliary Material), Products Inspection Standard (或Products Quality Standard),Inspection Flow and Prosessing.

2, Designing of the products and mould using CAD, and systematic settling in lists of customers(或搜拦返Clients). Holding and recording productive assorting meetings.

3, Stat. of the numbers of products to be inspected, storage, return to be repaired, vice-products as well as their qualified rate at the first check. Then sum up these numbers by month and hand in them as figures to relative leaders.
4, Setting up CVS account of technological equipments and measurements management, and sending the measurements to Hefei Equipments & Instruments Institute for checked and adjusted. Charge for all the carrying works of ISO9001:2000 certification of international quality management system, one inner-auditing per year, and assisting the manager represents to manage the evaluation.

5, Charge for the requisition work of products export licence, products experiments, and prepare the relative data for sending to Hefei Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.
回答者: 美丽的洛阳 - 大魔导师 十二级 5-15 09:09

回答者:banbanshu - 同进士出身 六级 5-15 10:19

1) Raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished off the test, testing procedures and production processes to compile documents; (2) the use of CAD in product design and processing components, a client classification; Regular coordination meetings organized production, recorded;
(3) submission of statistical products every day, put in storage volume, the number of repair a second time, the number of waste products as well as a produce for examination pass rate, monthly summary, and to chart form to the relevant leadership.
(4) the establishment of management suits endeavour to be clear, endeavour to be undertaken regularly sent to Hefei measurement calibration certification. ISO9001:2000 responsible for the international quality system certification and full implementation, the company conducted an internal audit annually to assist managers of the management review.
(5) Bid for export permits, the product testing, preparing materials to Hefei immigration and quarantine inspection bureau.
回答者:lilynll - 见习魔法师 二级 5-15 10:43

1) Raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished off the test, testing procedures and production processes to compile documents; (2) the use of CAD in product design and processing components, a client classification; Regular coordination meetings organized production, recorded;
(3) submission of statistical products every day, put in storage volume, the number of repair a second time, the number of waste products as well as a produce for examination pass rate, monthly summary, and to chart form to the relevant leadership.
(4) the establishment of management suits endeavour to be clear, endeavour to be undertaken regularly sent to Hefei measurement calibration certification. ISO9001:2000 responsible for the international quality system certification and full implementation, the company conducted an internal audit annually to assist managers of the management review.
(5) Bid for export permits, the product testing, preparing materials to Hefei immigration and quarantine inspection bureau.


1, File edition of Material, Secondary Material(或Auxiliary Material), Products Inspection Standard (或Products Quality Standard),Inspection Flow and Prosessing.

2, Designing of the products and mould using CAD, and systematic settling in lists of customers(或Clients). Holding and recording productive assorting meetings.

3, Stat. of the numbers of products to be inspected, storage, return to be repaired, vice-products as well as their qualified rate at the first check. Then sum up these numbers by month and hand in them as figures to relative leaders.
4, Setting up CVS account of technological equipments and measurements management, and sending the measurements to Hefei Equipments & Instruments Institute for checked and adjusted. Charge for all the carrying works of ISO9001:2000 certification of international quality management system, one inner-auditing per year, and assisting the manager represents to manage the evaluation.

5, Charge for the requisition work of products export licence, products experiments, and prepare the relative data for sending to Hefei Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.
回答者: 美丽的洛阳 - 大魔导师 十二级 5-15 09:09

回答者:banbanshu - 同进士出身 六级 5-15 10:19

1) Raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished off the test, testing procedures and production processes to compile documents; (2) the use of CAD in product design and processing components, a client classification; Regular coordination meetings organized production, recorded;
(3) submission of statistical products every day, put in storage volume, the number of repair a second time, the number of waste products as well as a produce for examination pass rate, monthly summary, and to chart form to the relevant leadership.
(4) the establishment of management suits endeavour to be clear, endeavour to be undertaken regularly sent to Hefei measurement calibration certification. ISO9001:2000 responsible for the international quality system certification and full implementation, the company conducted an internal audit annually to assist managers of the management review.
(5) Bid for export permits, the product testing, preparing materials to Hefei immigration and quarantine inspection bureau.


一隐凳次 交验合格率灶埋旅: Qualified Rate at the First Check
台账CVS account
工液腔装全称是“工艺装备”: technological equipment
计量所Equipments & Instruments Institute
国际标准化组织(ISO)International Organization for Standardization
国际质量体系的认证 Certificate of international quality management system
出入境检验检疫局Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau

Main Responsibilities:
1, File edition of Material, Secondary Material(或Auxiliary Material), Products Inspection Standard (或Products Quality Standard),Inspection Flow and Prosessing.

2, Designing of the products and mould using CAD, and systematic settling in lists of customers(或Clients). Holding and recording productive assorting meetings.

3, Stat. of the numbers of products to be inspected, storage, return to be repaired, vice-products as well as their qualified rate at the first check. Then sum up these numbers by month and hand in them as figures to relative leaders.
4, Setting up CVS account of technological equipments and measurements management, and sending the measurements to Hefei Equipments & Instruments Institute for checked and adjusted. Charge for all the carrying works of ISO9001:2000 certification of international quality management system, one inner-auditing per year, and assisting the manager represents to manage the evaluation.

5, Charge for the requisition work of products export licence, products experiments, and prepare the relative data for sending to Hefei Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.


Main job duties:
(1)The compilation of testing standards、detection flow of raw materials 、auxiliary materials、manufactured goods and the files of Production processes;
(2)Designing of products and processing division with CAD and classifying it by customers;
organizing production coordination meeting and making records regularly;
(3)Stating the number of submission、put in storage、repaired a second time and waste of products and the Qualified Rate at the First Check ; summaring monthly, and report it to the related leader in the the form of charts。
(4)Creating CVS account of technological equipments and measuring instruments, the measuring instruments should be sent to He Fei Equipments & Instruments Institute for calibration and certification regularly. Taking charge of the certificate and implemention of international quality management system of ISO9001:2000, making a internal audit of the company every year, assisting the manager representatives with management accreditation.
(5)Responsible for the application of product export permit, and the product experiment;preparing related documents which to be submited to He Fei Import and Export Commodity Inspection Burea.


Main work job:
(1)At first material, lend support to the material, produce the examination standard of the finished product and examine the process and produce the craft document to revise;
(2)Use the CAD to the product and process the molding tool to carry on the design, and press customer to carry on the classification sorting;
Periodically hold to produce the coordination meeting, carry on the record;
(3)Statistics the product to send to check the quantity, store in warehouse the quantity and return to fix the quantity and discard the article quantity and products once everyday to hand over to check the qualified rate, gather by the month, and hand over to the related leadership formally with the chart.
(4)Build up the work packs the quantity to have to manage the pedestal , measuring to have to periodically send to go to match fatty calculate carry on examining the school precise.
Be responsible for the ISO9001:2000 attestations of the international quantity systems and promote the work completely, carry on an inner part's examine to the company annually, help the governor's representative to carry on the management judge.
(5)Be responsible for the product exit permit bids for the work, carrying on the product experiment, preparing the related material to deliver to match the fatty immigration to quarantine to examine the bureau.